Dog Brings A Gift To Every Human He Sees, Even If They’re Not Real

Tofu is convinced that every stranger he encounters is his new best friend. He adorably tries to gift them a toy through his apartment window. He “plays” with every human he sees through the glass, including the window washer! This dog seriously has a giant heart!
Tofu’s mom says one of his favorite activities is going to the gas station to interact with the attendant. He pokes his adorable head out the window and begs for pets. He makes everyone’s day, as well as his own! But, Tofu’s obsession with humans doesn’t end there!
At the park, he is cordial to the other dogs, but they’re really not his thing. Instead, he runs after their owners as if they’re celebrities! He can’t wait to meet everyone he sets his eyes on, even if they’re not real! (See photo below!)
When Tofu’s mom comes home from work, he greets her at the door with a present in his mouth. He sometimes grabs her shoes, carefully, to give to her as a welcome-home gift! Tofu is too cute and too sweet for words! To get your daily dose of happy, check out the charming dog in the video below!
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